28 October 2006

This time, I'll follow through

Over the years, I've started at least a half-dozen blogs but have let them all die the slow and painful death where after 3 weeks of not posting... You know the story. (My favorite was one called "Tactfully Sarcastic" where I seemed to always knock on stupid buzz words that the media industry seemed to be hyping at the time.)

In bursts, I seem to go and avidly post to del.icio.us and/or Flickr. But both of those sites, as great as they are at what they do, lack something. Maybe adding a blog to the mix will create a trio of sites where a bit or piece here or there will be useful to someone. So... I'm going to commit myself in this space to occasionally write about everyday things I run across during the course of a day.

I am in the online publishing business but I won't be writing specifically about my work here. I'm sure you understand.

Here goes...

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