28 October 2006

Magic and illusions

My friend Chris Muldrow listens to Penn Jillette's podcast regularly and today I stumbled across it (on the bottom right of that site) and decided if Chris thought it was worth 45 minutes of his time, I should give it a try too. I would give it a B+ as "pretty good". Funny, but not too funny. Not too serious, but serious enough and to boot, he had a good guest and they both made a lot of sense.

Now that I'm not traveling and sitting on an airplane as much as I was this past summer, I just don't seem to regularly have 45 minutes for a anything, much less a podcast that requires listening attention for that length of time.

On a somewhat related topic (at least my brain linked them together)...

Here is an illusion from Mark Levinson's site that will waste a few minutes of your day.

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