11 April 2007

One-for-Ten Rule

I don't think I'm a messy person. In fact, there's this odd behavior where I pick up things found in the wrong place, and when I'm finished, I end up putting whatever it is back in the same wrong place.

My wife has been out of town for ten days, tending to our house that is still for sale in Birmingham, AL and visiting with her parents.

Maxine and I have been buddies in and around the house for the past week-and-a-half. We walked to Fairport several times. We went to the park several times. We climbed a small mountain in a snowstorm to go take pictures on Sunday. We've tracked in dirt, birdseed, snow and what appears to be about a half-bale of straw. As far as I can tell, we've only killed one house plant.

I've accumulated a pile of dirty clothes and two loads of dishes (surprisingly, I did not order pizza one time).

I've figured that it takes me about one day to clean up for ten days left on my own.

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